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    Monday, March 27, 2006


    We had a pretty good Sunday yesterday. We visited Grace Church of Utah in Layton at that high school (I can't remember the name of it). This was my first time going but Tim's second since visited there last week while I was in Cincy. Things seemed to go well. They were going through Romans in Sunday school and the pastor is preaching on The Sermon on the Mount. Everyone seemed really friendly. We got to see some friends from our College who go there. So it was good catching up with them. They had a chili cookoff afterwards. Tim got really into it.

    When we got home Tim worked on the organ. Since last week our basement has been filled with random wires and stuff. It was pretty disorganized. He has the organ mostly set up now. We just have to work on putting other things away and figuring out what to do with a spare organ that's just sitting in a corner.

    Today, I've had a hard time getting things done around the house. I did bake some bread and get laundry done. I need to get into a routine so that I don't waste most of my day.


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