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    Sunday, April 02, 2006

    Church this morning

    This morning Amy and I went to St. Paul's Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod); we wanted to visit sometime, and today was a good choice since we overslept and it's only a mile from our house.

    I was looking forward to the Liturgical service; it's nice to participate in corporate worship sometimes in more ways than just singing a few songs. Another thing I like about a Liturgy is that as long as the Liturgy is solid (the ones I've experienced are), much of the service is not subject to being possibly botched by the preacher or music minister saying or doing something counter to the Word of God. In reality though, every church has a liturgy, not just the services where you chant something or have lots of responsive readings. "Liturgy" is how you do corporate worship. All churches have worship habits, and with those that don't, not having habits is a way of doing it. Some liturgies are better than others, some more Christ-focused, some more entertainment focus.

    Anyway, here's an excerpt from the responsive prayer that provides food for thought:

    We give You heartfelt thank, O Lord, for sending Your Son Jesus Christ, who being perfect, has become the Source of our salvation.
    We acknowledge, O Lord, that we are undeserving of Your grace and mercy.
    Our love for the world has often made us reluctant to serve You.
    We want to be with you, but hesitate to follow You.
    We have not always honored You with our service.
    For our lack of zeal and self-sacrifice, forgive us, O Lord.
    Send us Your Holy Spirity that may properly glorify You and Your Son.
    Give us the zeal that would help us show others a vision of Your glory.
    Grant us wisdom and understanding to lead our nation and the nations of the earth to the foot of Christ's cross.
    Give to Your Church a deep sense of dedication to its mission of proclaiming the death and resurrection of Your Son Jesus Christ.


    At 4/03/2006 5:43 PM, Blogger alk said...

    Yeah, the Liturgy was a nice addition to the service. It did make it seem more corporate and the gospel was definitely present.


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