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    Sunday, May 07, 2006

    An accounting of the mundanities of life.

    After all, we started this blog to keep each other posted on our lives, right?

    Yesterday we bought a Pack and Play for the forthcoming baby (yes, unfortunately still only imminent, not realized). It’s basically a mobile play pen with lots of bells and whistles. The idea is that you can just tear it down, carry it off, and set it back up somewhere else in a jiffy. However, because of all the bells and whistles (changing table, bassinet, “indoor canopy”, diaper organizer, vibrator) the thing is rather heavy and setting it up from scratch took about a half hour. I’m sure it will be easier to re disassemble and assemble, but it still seems like it’d be easier if we could just hook it up with a trailer hitch behind the car whenever we want to take it somewhere. Ah, the lengths we go to to make our lives easier!

    I also planted corn yesterday. Hopefully, in a few months we’ll have corn coming out our ears (groan….). Although I have this continual “awful gardener” complex, that has me convinced that for whatever reason, only half my garden will grow again (last year, because I didn’t realize it wasn’t getting watered during July; this year, perhaps because the manure I added was too fresh?). At least I know we’ll have plenty of apples and cherries…..


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