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    Monday, April 17, 2006


    Even though Congress is on break, I’m still thinking about illegal immigration. I think it’s a complex issue, and I’m coming up with more questions than answers. Love to hear your thoughts on:

    1. What’s the answer to the economic tradeoffs of having illegals here?
    2. Honoring the Law: Is it best to say “We have this law and they broke it so they’re illegal and we shouldn’t give ‘em anything” or “We recognize we won’t be able to bring deportation for the crime, so we’ll provide a punitive amnesty and try to do better in the future?” Which results in less respect for the law? Continuing to not enforce the law, or saying, well, we can’t enforce it on all y’all now, so try to make the best of it?
    3. How much weight does the “The legal immigrants, who paid lots of money and waited OUTSIDE the country several years, will be pissed if we give the illegals any sort of free pass” carry?
    4. Border fence, yes or no?
    5. Should our nation spend more money for border patrol, keeping track of all immigrants, and/or streamlining legal immigration?


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