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    Monday, April 10, 2006

    Christian Outreach via Football?

    Saturday night, we went down to the U of U for "Night with the NFL." It was Coach Tony Dungy of the Indianapolis Colts (the main attraction for me) and a current and a former NFL player (Jeff something and Luther something) sharing their Christian faith and specifically their testimony of how it affects their Football and the rest of their life. I know some of you aren't thrilled with Standing Together, but this event of theirs went off without compromise. There were several specific points made that should have made Mormons disagree, and hopefully think about (not just their 'yes, we believe in Jesus too, and he's nice, so we're Christians too' stuff):

    - Luther talked about his journey from doing the 'religious things' to check off an 'I was good' box toward surrendering his life to Christ. It seems like LDS make sure they're in line with their church in terms of doing all the right stuff. And while, like Elder Ruiz, they may talk about surrendering 2 years, they don't seem to talk about the abandonment of self to live the Christ Life.
    - Coach Dungy's Pastor, Richard, talked about the "Balanced Life," indicating an example of Christ from Luke 2:52 (He grew in Wisdom, Stature, and in favor with God and Man.) While this was a bit of a stretch at times, he took from Jesus' life and made it clear that the balanced life is not climbing the right rungs of the church ladder, but knowing God (and seeking him in prayer as Jesus did). He also spent some time on the thinking side of faith, which I find to be another area where they know we differ.
    - Jeff covered repentance, indicating by his example the changed life that results from life in Christ.

    In all, it wasn't the deepest Gospel presentation, but all the essentials were there, and taken as a whole, the 4 messages would bring pause to the open and thinking nonbeliever, LDS or not. It was in the upper region of typical gospel outreaches in gospel clarity.


    At 4/11/2006 4:15 PM, Blogger Darren said...

    Hey Tim,
    That's pretty cool that they had some good things to say, especially since there probably were a lot of non-believers there. I actually don't have much of a problem with the idea behind "Standing Together." I know that Greg Johnson's idea of standing together ministries isn't standing together with mormons but rather it is standing together with other Christian churches to reach out to mormons with the Gospel. I might disagree with how they do this sometimes, but I don't have a problem with their desires.


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