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    Saturday, April 08, 2006

    Strategy in Chess

    Hey Everyone,
    Luke, you actually have a strategy when you play chess? I just play and hope that I don't lose. Unfortunately, that doesn't work too well. LOL

    I also wanted to just give a few words of encouragement to everyone. Even though the GCC breakup was painful and pretty discouraging, God still meant it for our good to His glory. We may not be able to see all of God's plans but He will be glorified in all of this and He witholds nothing good from those who walk uprightly (Ps. 84:11). Even when Job suffered, it gave Job the opportunity to know God better and see His glory. So even though we may suffer in minor ways in this spiritual desert known as Utah may we look forward to the glory that is to come which cannot even be compared to the sufferings that we experience now (Rom. 8:17).

    On another note, I have decided to commit to Christ Community Churh and will even be playing on the worship team this Sunday. I praise God that He has led me here in His time to be used for His glory. Pray for this Sunday in particular because we are having a co-pastor candidate preach. May God grant us and the candidate wisdom as to what God wants us to do.

    I praise God for all of your friendship and may God bless all of you with an even greater vision for His Glory.

    In Christ,


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