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    Thursday, April 06, 2006

    Fellowship Bible

    How come no one else is having tons of fun with font colors?...

    We talked about church a little bit on Tuesday night, but just so that everyone knows, we've decided to hang out at Fellowship Bible up in the valley at least for a while. The pastor is speaking on spiritual gifts, namely tongues, and it's been very good. Yes there have been a few sessions of: "Everybody close your eyes, no one's looking, now make sure you have your eyes closed and heads bowed and don't look around you... OK, does everyone have their eyes closed and heads bowed? Looks like we're good... now QUICK! Raise your hand if you just got saved!!!" But overall we've enjoyed being there. We have a lot of friends there, along with Eric's parents. God's been good to us in allowing us to find a place where we feel at home so quickly. Eric can tell you, I was really struggling for a few weeks. I'm tired of the church search and was ending up in tears after every church we visited, much to Eric's bewilderment. =) I think it was mostly caused by frustration over the Grace Community breakup and feeling somewhat hung out to dry and also discouragement because we've visited all the churches in our area and nothing ever seemed like a possibility. But God was good, despite my complaining, and we are content to stay at Fellowship for a while. Please keep on updating us on the churches you guys visit because we're not settled on anything.


    At 4/06/2006 1:58 PM, Blogger alk said...

    I talked to Tori Swank today. They visited Fellowship for the first time last Sunday. She seemed to really like it.

    The whole "close your eyes..." thing reminds me of Church Camp. Those were the days...


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