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    Tuesday, May 23, 2006

    Already got a dose of the stereotypical Sunday Morning Chaos

    So this past Sunday, first we awoke at 8:50, realizing we weren't going to make it to the 9:30 service as planned. Then everything took longer, so we were barely on track to make the 11:00. And then Reed started crying. Until that point, he hadn't been so much a crier, but 'round 10:15 he let 'er rip, as we were getting him toward his car seat. I'm thinking maybe he knew we were headed for church, and he's really a little devil child who won't have any of it. Then, as we had just picked him up to head out the door, we saw that RJ was in the act of peeing on the floor. So Amy rushed out the door cuz she couldn't take it, and I tried to quickly shove RJ's medicine down his gullet and then cleaned up the piss, making it to the car just in time to get there by 11. Fortunately the service started a bit late anyway, but about 45 minutes into it, Reed had heard the name "Jesus" one too many times or something, and started bawling again. Amy took him out for the last 25 minutes or so, and then we wailed all the way home (or he did anyway). So, yeah, just can't wait to see what next Sunday brings.


    At 5/24/2006 7:40 AM, Blogger t4keri said...

    Oh that was a good laugh! When we were sitting in service I was actually wondering if you guys would attempt going to church or not and that if you did, you would be added to the ranks of wailing baby caretakers walking in and out of the sanctuary hoping to catch 3 words in a row of the sermon. Congratulations! =)

    At 5/25/2006 8:27 PM, Blogger Darren said...

    What a great post. Sounds really funny now, but I'm sure it wasn't very funny at the time. The question you must ask, is Reed a devil child or is RJ a devil cat? Or perhaps they are working together?


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