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    Sunday, June 11, 2006

    The Church

    I'm studying through Acts (and other parts of the NT) now with a view towards observing what the early church was like and attempting to translate that to what the modern church should be like. So far I'm just doing the observing. We'll see if anything comes of the concluding later.

    Here's what I got from Acts 2:

    The church (disciples) became filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the Gospel to all kinds of folk

    They preached Christ. To Jews, Peter spoke of Him as the promised one, greater than David, since they would relate to the Old Testament. He preached repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Spirit, and the calling of God.

    People converted.

    They were continually devoting themselves to:
    - apostles’ teaching
    - fellowship
    - breaking of bread
    - prayer

    They were together with all in common, sharing with and serving one another, continuing with one mind

    They were Praising God

    They had favor with all the people (Jews?)

    The Lord added.

    In other news, Reed remained quiet and not needing to be fed through all of church and Sunday School today for the first time. Maybe that means he's saved now....


    At 6/11/2006 8:16 PM, Blogger Darren said...

    lol, well I guess that since Reed has demonstrated saving faith, I don't mind if he is baptised ;)

    At 6/12/2006 11:21 AM, Blogger Kibble said...

    I think more people would enter the kingdom of God if sleeping through church was the only requirement.


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