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    Thursday, July 13, 2006

    Political poll

    Suppose that Hilary Clinton gets the Democratic nomination and Mitt Romney gets the Republican nomination. Do you
    A. vote for Mitt Romney
    B. vote for Hilary Clinton (hint: not B)
    C. vote for a third-party candidate
    D. stay home and don't vote

    Honestly, I'm caught between A and C. Not that my vote would make a difference. Living in Utah, Romney would probably end up winning the state with about 99.57% of the vote and it wouldn't matter who I voted for. But it is the priniciple of the thing, so the reason that I would find it hard to vote for Romney is because he is Mormon. Now, he does have good morals and would probably lean a lot of the same ways I do about the things that I care about the most (i.e. abortion, homosexuality, etc.). And it's not like many of the presidents that have claimed to be Christian were really Christian (Bill Clinton claimed to be Baptist, after all, albeit American Baptist). But I don't like the idea that Gordon Hinckley could call the White House at any time and get Romney to do what he wanted. Maybe I'm over-reacting, but I don't think it is much of a stretch to see that this could happen. Anyway, what do you guys think?


    At 7/19/2006 5:22 PM, Blogger Kibble said...

    I don't think I'd have a problem electing a Mormon (other presidents have probably had someone more shady than Hinckley who could pick up the BatPhone and call the shots), but I'm hesitant about Romney more because it seems a bit shady the way he worked with the Olympics thing, and I'm kinda sick of "moderate republicans."

    Anyway, I've considered the "vote Hillary" thing if my other option is a Repub I despise, and I think it would be ok, EXCEPT for judge nominations. Assuming there was still a Repub House and Senate, they would fight tooth and nail whatever Hill would try, just like they did with Slick in the 90s. It seems that anymore, the LESS federal gov't accomplishes, the better. Bush has broadened gov't way more than Clinton did, cuz no one says "no" to him, and he says "no" to no one. Under Clinton, all that happened was 1. the budget got balanced 2. welfare got reformed and 3. everyone got busy with his scandals, so they didn't have time to pass legislation to screw up anything else.

    At 7/20/2006 10:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I would vote for a third party candidate. The Repubs need to listen to their religious right and they aren't going to do that until they lose votes.


    At 7/25/2006 8:58 AM, Blogger Eric Phillips said...


    Actually, the Mormons are _part_ of that religious right.

    I'd vote for Romney. Being a Christian is not a prerequisite for the Presidency. I'm not concerned about theological errors in my Presidents unless they are of the kind that lead to unwise or immoral governance, and I don't think the current set of Mormon errors does either.

    At 8/02/2006 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Mitt Romney is hardly a part of the religious right:

    1. He is a pro-choice governor. He even endorsed the legalization of the morning after pill.
    2. He supports benefits for gay partners. He also thinks that gays should be allowed in Boy Scouts.

    I never said anything about not voting for Romney because he was Mormon.

    At 8/02/2006 2:02 PM, Blogger alk said...

    That Reedal was me by the way.


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