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    Thursday, September 28, 2006

    I think we've turned our cats into talk radio junkies. Several times over the last week they've stepped on the sleep button of my clock radio, turning it on. Once they flipped the on switch while fighting.

    Also, I think that we should take all the Coast Guard and INS manpower that is used in Florida to capture Cubans before whatever they're floating on reaches shore and move it to the Mexican border. By and large, the Cuban immigrants assimilate and became productive middle-class Americans very quickly, and they LOVE America. On the other hand, the illegals who come across from Mexico tend to fall into the culture of taking/accepting everything they can from the Gringo; and many of them have jumped on the "America's not that great: let's turn it into the hell-hole Mexico is" bandwagon.


    At 1/04/2007 4:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

    The "hell-hole" status of many parts of Mexico (you'd be surprised by what you find in cities like San Cristobal and Guadalajara) is more due to government corruption, a 19th century war in which the large part of the country was annexed by their northern neighbors, and a revolution from which they never really economically recovered.

    By and large, Mexican immigrants can't legally assimilate, while Cuban immigrants can. US Law gives immediate amnesty to any Cubans who manage to reach our shores before the Coast Guard picks them up. Mexicans have no such luck. It's difficult to assimilate when interaction with the institutions of the culture will get you deported.


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