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    Wednesday, August 02, 2006

    I'm back...

    Okay, so I haven't posted since I had the baby. I think that's fair.

    So, about 9 months ago there was a case here in Utah about a LDS Sunday School Teacher who molested one of the girls in his class. He was a convicted child molestor, but for some reason the LDS Church let him teach kids. He was supposed to be teaching with his wife, but she did not go to church that day.

    A discussion came up at my Chiropractor's/Physical Therapist's office about whether the family of the little girl should sue the LDS church. I said they should becase this isn't the first problem the church has had with child molesting SS teachers. The LDS church needs to change their policies. My Mormon Chiropractor and another patient were flabergasted. They said it would be like suing God because He is the one who "calls" people to their church positions. Plus, they thought that since the man had repented, he wouldn't be tempted by the children he was teaching (they don't believe in original sin). I finally got them to admit that the man could be tempted by those children being so near him, but they said that God still called him to that position. I asked them if they thought God knew what that man was going to do. After a long discussion on agency (or free will), the patient said to me about the molested child, "Don't you think God puts trials in our lives for us to overcome?"

    I had to walk out of that office to keep from belting that man (who happened to be an LDS bishop).


    At 8/03/2006 8:34 AM, Blogger t4keri said...

    Oh that just made my blood boil. You'd think that even though Mormons are so off on spiritual beliefs, they at least keep a higher standard of morality compared to most. But to put a convicted child molester in a position like teaching Sunday School is something someone with even extremely low moral standards would have a problem with.


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