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    Tuesday, July 25, 2006

    At the risk of sounding like an Evil Conservative

    Some people are always talking about how wind and solar power are the Answer; fossil fuels have too big an effect on the environment. Not to delve into fossil fuels, but nobody ever thinks about the possible effects of wind or solar power. Windmills harvest energy. From where? They take it out of the wind. It seems that if the whole world were powered by wind, that could be quite an impact on wind and weather patterns. What would that do to climate?

    And solar: you have arrays of black panels that absorb much more of the sun's energy than what's underneath it; that is, where you put lots of panels, you used to be reflecting quite a bit more energy back into space. Even with more efficient panels, running the whole world on solar could be a significant net gain of energy absorbtion on earth.

    Someone should do the math on that global warming.


    At 7/28/2006 4:17 PM, Blogger Kibble said...

    Sure, linky linky would be cool. Thanks!

    Congrats, by the way.

    At 7/29/2006 12:56 PM, Blogger Darren said...

    From the standpoint of someone who doesn't know what's going on here, this is actually kind of funny. :)


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